Godlike House Rules

Character Creation

Because the character creation rules in Wild Talents are really good and detailed and because the rules in Godlike are more subjective and… well, not so good, I'm using Wild Talents as my ruleset for character creation. Follow the rules in that book but everyone has to pick the Godlike Talent archetype. You get 150 Points to spend at character creation, but your powers can only cost a maximum of 25 Points and must follow the restrictions for Godlike Talents given below. Generally, I'll be following the Skills list from Wild Talents as well but if you want to make a new Skill or use one based on a Godlike Skill then just let me know.

What Is a Talent?

Talents are strange paranormal powers that the characters of Godlike possess for some unknown reason. The concept of the “origin story” (i.e. “I was bitten by a radioactive spider!”) found in four-color comics is not recommended for characters playing in the background presented in Godlike. Instead, the power just … happens. One day the character is a regular Joe; the next he is a Talent. Sometimes a Talent manifests because of some stressful or life-threatening event; other times, by some significant life-changing event (much like in the comics). Mostly, though, it just happens.
Talent powers differ from person to person and are as original and complex as the individual personalities they are a part of. Dozens of Talent examples are provided on page 100 of the Godlike sourcebook. Talent powers are subject to the same idiosyncrasies and quirks as normal, everyday habits and abilities. Most of the time their power level depends on the character’s emotional state. Sometimes they don’t work well unless a specific state of mind is present in the character. Sometimes they don’t work at all. Unlike the Wild Talents of the later 20th century, Talents in Godlike are somewhat limited in what their abilities can accomplish.

The Term “Talent”

In the countries of the Allied nations during World War II, the term Talent is used to describe anyone with paranormal abilities. In other countries and cultures, parahumans are sometimes called by different names (though Talent remains a popular term, even in non-English speaking countries). French super-humans are often called Surhommes (“Supermen.”) British super-humans are sometimes called “The Few” in reference to Winston Churchill’s famous speech about the pilots of the Battle of Britain: “Rarely has so much been owed by so many to so few.” Indian superhumans are called Viddyharas (“Learned Ones”), Jewish super-humans Nephilim and Russian super-humans Severch Loodi (“Super-Men”). In the Axis, German super-humans are Übermenschen (literally “Over-Men” or “Super-Men”), while the few Japanese superhumans are called Gaki (“Hungry Ghosts”). Italian superhumans are called Custodes (“Guardians”).

Reporter Stephen J. Whelan introduced the term “Talent” to the public in the New York Times on February 14, 1940. Whelan was researching and writing about the growing population of parahumans in the world, and during his studies found a book published in 1932, called Wild Talents, by Charles Foy Fort. This book catalogued strange and unusual occurrences, including psychic phenomenon and unusual medical conditions. Fort speculated that what we call the “supernatural” might actually be the manifestation of some unknown “wild talent” which humanity naturally possesses. Whelan took Fort’s writing to heart as he wrote the last section of his article:

“If the powers reflected in Fort’s book are called ‘Wild Talents’, I suppose what we are seeing now could be called ‘Talents.’ Perhaps this is not an example of a whole new array of human capabilities,

but simply the honing of some inherent and secret human skill which is just now coming to light.”
The public took to his shortening of Fort’s phrase and soon the word was inextricably bound to the phenomenon itself. Still, before its introduction many phrases were used to describe the Talent condition. Early on, Talents were called super-humans, parahumans or super-men. Sometimes these old phrases are still used, but it is rare. The scientific community still tends to call them parahumans (“para” meaning “other” in Latin), and some newspapers still print headlines using the word “super” just to drum up sales. To the public, however, the amazing people who can do the impossible will always be just “Talents.”

What's Possible and What's Not

The world of Godlike is particular in its disallowance of certain superpowers. Of course, it’s your game, and you can do with it what you wish. However, we recommend you stick to these rules if you want to play in the background provided in this book. Otherwise, unforeseen problems may arise. Almost anything is possible, except a few small things. Besides these few “laws,” any power you imagine can be constructed with the Godlike rules.

Definitive Precognition

The ability to see an up-to-the-minute, accurate picture of the future does not, as far as is known, exist in the world of Godlike. Precognitives often only see unclear or static images (or have obscure dreams or ideas which they must then interpret) that change dependent on their reaction to the vision. The more the precog talks about the vision, the more the outcome of the event changes from the vision. These visions are often just plain wrong.

Mind Control

Absolute control of another’s mind does not exist. Some powers, such as Hypercommand, have equivalent effects.

Talent Absorption or Imitation

The ability for a Talent to absorb or copy another Talent’s power has never been seen. Of course, it is readily sought after.

Talent Creation Powers

There has never been a Talent who could make a normal human into a Talent. However, in certain aboriginal cultures (such as the Bushmen of the Kalahari, the Kachin of Burma, and the Aborigines of Australia), Talent powers have been observed to leap from person to person. To these animistic peoples such powers are simply magic, and therefore teachable, but only to others within their own culture.

Talent Detection Powers

After a fashion, this power exists in every Talent. If a Talent sees another Talent, and that Talent is using his power, then the character knows that the other is one of the elite. But a broad detection power that can discern Talents at a distance, or if they are not using their powers, does not exist. See Talent Detection on page 97 of Godlike for more information for more details.


Telepathy, as commonly portrayed in books and films, does not exist. One-way mental communication does exist, but the ability to read another’s mind is beyond the grasp of any Talent. As far as
is known, that is.

Time Travel

Time travel does exist in the world of Godlike, but not in any broad capacity. Talents do disappear and seemingly interact with the past. The problem is this: Whatever changes or contact with the past they make do not affect the future at all, and intelligence gained in the past is often wrong. People spoken to in the past by the Talent do not remember doing so when the Talent returns to the present. This leads analysts to believe that the power may do nothing more than generate a complex illusion of the “past.” Nevertheless, it can’t be denied that the Talents go somewhere when they “time travel.”

True Super-Science

Talents exist who can create incredible devices that appear to be centuries ahead of the current technological level. However, despite what they may appear to be and do, these “devices” are nothing more than the manifestation of that particular Talent’s power. If the device is removed from its creator’s sight, it ceases to operate. Under no circumstances can real scientists replicate this Talent driven “Goldberg Science.” Most of the time, there is nothing in the “device” that actually works at all; the device is merely a prop that acts as a focus for the Talent’s will.

Unlimited Healing Powers

Powers that heal humans, animals and plants do exist but are very particular in their use on humans. To be “treated” by a healing power a human must be conscious and willing. Those who do not wish to be healed, or those who are unconscious, can’t be healed at all. It’s that simple.

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