Dhakaani Empire
History of the
Dhakaani Empire
The Six Kingdoms
The Five Sovereigns
The First Dynastic Period
Vaal'ool Dynasty
Takec Dynasty
Kukaar Dynasties
Shuulec Dekaar Period
Time of Warlords
The Early Dynastic Period
Har'daach Dynasty
Shuul'aagen Dynasty
First Shuul'aagen Dynasty
Rule of Vec'daar
Second Shuul'aagen Dynasty
The Incursion War
The Late Dynastic Period
Khar Dynasties The Red Kingdoms
Haal'khar Dynasty The Eastern Kingdoms
Dagec-Khar Dynasty The Green Kingdoms
The Western Wars
Oroch'dhech Dynasty
Taaluun Dynasty
The Raven States
Western Rhaguul Dynasty Kingdom of Lhekaan
Eastern Rhaguul Dynasty Zuul'dar Dynasty
The Daelkyr Wars
The First Daelkyr War
Ocral'dur Dynasty
The Second Daelkur War
Khragec Dynasty
The Third Daelkyr War
The Final Dynastic Period
Daac'or Dynasty
Makhaal Dynasty
Lahaas Uprising

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The Dhakaani Empire, cultural predecessor to modern Darguun, existed in Khorvaire from 15,000 to 5,000 years ago, covering areas claimed today by Breland, Zilargo, Thrane, Darguun, Cyre, Valenar, the Talenta Plains, and Karrnath. It was a heavily class-based society with the goblinoid races at the top and subject races, including orcs, dragonborn, halflings, and gnomes, lower down the social ladder. The Dhakaani empire existed for many thousands of years until it was attacked by the daelkyr armies of Xoriat which pushed the culture past the point of recovery. Some historians speculate that the goblinoids could have recovered from this eventually, in fact were on the path to recovery, but the arrival of humans from Sarlona prevented their rebirth and changed the rule of Khorvaire.
The Dhakaani existed alongside the dragonborn kingdoms of ancient Q'barra, the orcish tribelands of northwestern Khorvaire, the goliath tribes of modern Droaam, and the halfling tribes of the Talenta Plains. All of these other groups were heavily influenced by the Dhakaani culture and lived in constant threat of subjugation, although many scholars indicate heavy trade instead of conquest in most eras.

History of the Empire

See also: Age of Monsters Timeline.

Dhakaani civilization originated in various regional centers throughout central southern Khorvaire, though the area of Targaask is considered the birthplace of the civilization. With thousands of years of continuous history, the Dhakaani culture is Khorvaire's oldest civilization and its longest-lasting. The written history of the Dhakaani can be found as early as the Takec Dynasty (c. -7500 YK), although ancient historical texts such as the Kaaluur ordaan Hac Meruugec (Records of the Grand Historian) and the Aguuc Akach (Iron Annals) describe Vaal'ool Dynasty before the Takec. Religious tablets in archaic Dhakaani have been dated to the late Takec Dynasty around -6500 YK. Much of Dhakaani culture, literature and philosophy further developed during the Kukaar Dynasties.
The Kukaar Dynasties began to bow to external and internal pressures, and the empire eventually broke apart into smaller states, beginning in the Shuulec Dekaar Period and reaching full expression in the Time of Warlords period.
In between eras of multiple kingdoms and warlordism, Dhakaani dynasties ruled the majority of Khorvaire. The first to dominate a large part of the continent was the Har'daach Dynasty, sometimes considered the high-point of Dhakaani civilization. Successive dynasties in Dhakaani history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Dhakaani Emperor to directly control vast territories.

The conventional view of Dhakaani history is that of alternating periods of political unity and disunity, resulting in periods of destabilization for goblinoid races when their borders extend too far (extending even into the Current Age with the wars of Karrn's conquest). Despite this, the Dhakaani goblinoids came to dominate other Khorvairian peoples, assimilating many territories into their own empire and subjugating the populations. Even when such populations remained outside of Dhakaani borders, they were frequently influenced by Dhakaani culture as can be seen in shifts in architecture, metalurgy, religion, and other features. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Khorvaire, carried by successive waves of Dhakaani immigration, expansion, and cultural assimilation, are part of the modern tribal cultures across modern Khorvaire.

Lands of the Empire

Many in modern Khorvaire don't understand the relevance of learning about the geography of a society which is dead and buried. A map of ancient Dhakaan, however, fits directly over a map of the Five Nations, and many would be surprised to know how many of the vaunted cities of Galifar's kingdom rest atop the bones of Dhakaani cities. In fact, many remained filled with goblins even after Dhakaan fell and up until they were conquered by the humans arriving on their mighty ships from Sarlona.
At its height, around


Main article: Akhaac Province.


Main article: Tal'aakuul Province.


Main article: Dekhuul'daal Province.


Main article: Shuugac Province.


Main article: Targaask Province.


Main article: Uthroul Province.


Main article: Dalaan Province.

At one point, Dalaan was a goblin kingdom in the area bounded by the Howling Peaks and Seawall Mountains. During the Time of Warlords, however, it became filled with gnomes from the feyspire of Pylas Pyrial and goblins rapidly learned to leave the region alone. Dalaan was still claimed by most Dhakaani emperors who could spare the armies to patrol it but no major settlements remained. Many gnomes were taken as slaves for the goblin lands but more lurked in the woodlands and they were a constant thorn in the side of the larger goblinoid nations. By the Shuul'aagen dynasty, "dalaan" became one of a few Goblin words for "feyspire" and thus a term of warning and threat.

Dhakaani Society

Main article: Dhakaani Society.

Dhakaani Religion

Main article: Dhakaani Religion.

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